Poppy came to our studio with her family, David and Deborah and we all had so much fun!:) The session lasted a while, so she needed a break during which David told us some fun facts about her:
‘Sweet’ is the word most people instinctively use to describe her. She lives up to her breed, which are also known as Australian Service Dogs: she’s a newly-accredited Pets As Therapy dog and goes into a primary school once a week to be read to by children, building their confidence.
🐾 What is you waiting for?!? GO, GO, GO follow her on Instagram @poppythepuppyldn 🐾
Very far back in time (about 2 years ago) when Poppy came to this world somewhere in Lincolnshire, her fur was chocolate brown. Then she started growing and growing and growing and became the lovely honey colour she has now which also changes slightly from day to day, and no one can be certain when (or if) she will stop changing. If you think about it, it’s a good thing – she can have a make-over photoshoot every couple of months!:)
She never demands a walk (in fact usually needs encouragement when her lead is put on) and doesn’t understand the point of ball chasing - she’s far too sociable for that and would much rather be playing with other dogs. She lets them do the running around and ambushes them as they come past: she’s a superstar wrestler.
Poppy’s not a fan of swimming, though very tolerant of being washed.
Angelic during the day, in the evenings she barks like crazy at foxes (real or imaginary) and other ‘heard but not seen’ things outside.
She understands what ‘quiet’ means, just can’t always control her emotions:)