We had the honour to welcome into our studio Seargant Fred and his guiding light and bestie Millie The Labrador (standing ovations!:) Words simply cannot express the chemistry between those two; you really have to see it!
Fred and Millie were accompanied by their best friends Holly and Jason, who told us more about their habits and mischievous ways:
Fred loves to make people happy, whether that means cuddling up by the fire or dressing up for the camera - he will do it all. His long droopy ears, wrinkly face and great sense of smell means he also loves to track and go on trail hunts. When he is not performing for his fans or out on a mission, it won't take you long to find Fred, he has the loudest snore and the loudest howl in all the land.
Millie is a loveable labrador who wants to please people. At 9 years old, she is still super agile and will do anything for a treat. Millie loves to go on long runs in the countryside as her desire for food is just too strong and can tempt her into a whole variety of situations. One year she stole a whole Christmas cake while she thought no one was looking!
Fred is huge on TikTok & Instagram, if you haven’t seen him yet (are you for REAL, YOU DID NOT JUST SAY DAT!!!) go follow him @sergeant_fred_
And that's a direct order!:)